
Events & Presentations

August 25, 2015

Funding Recycling Programs & Infrastructure in California

California Resource Recovery Association Annual Conference and Trade Show, Los Angeles, CA Presenter: Rob Hilton…

June 30, 2015

More Than One Way: Community-Specific Zero Waste Business Plans

Recycle Florida Today Annual Conference and Exhibition, Daytona Beach Shore, FL Speaker: Rob Hilton…

April 10, 2015

The Future of Resource Recovery in the MRWMD

SWANA Western Regional Symposium, Palm Springs, CA Presenter: Rob Hilton…

April 5, 2015

Fighting the Zero Waste Death Spiral

SWANA Western Regional Symposium, Palm Springs, CA Presenter: Rob Hilton…

January 20, 2015

Introduction to Zero Waste

Leadership Contra Costa Environment Day, City/State Presenter: Rob Hilton…

December 10, 2013

Sacramento CalRecycle High Diversion Rates & Compensation Workshop

Sacramento, California (December 10, 2013) We would like to thank everyone who presented and participated in the High Diversion Rates

October 9, 2013

Oakland CalRecycle High Diversion Rates & Compensation Workshop

Oakland, California (October 9, 2013) We would like to thank everyone who presented and participated in the High Diversion Rates

November 7, 2013

Lakewood CalRecycle High Diversion Rates & Compensation Workshop

Lakewood, California (November 7, 2013) We would like to thank everyone who presented and participated in the High Diversion Rates