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Identify and Meet Long-Term Goals for Program and Facility Design, Funding, and Management
HF&H brings common sense to planning. For nearly 30 years, HF&H has assisted hundreds of public sector clients to develop a vision, understand the options and make the best choices to achieve their goals. Whether it’s redesigning your system with changes to funding, rate structures, enterprise management, facilities and programs – or focusing on diversion efforts – HF&H is there every step of the way. HF&H provides a proven approach, tailored to your community. First we listen – to understand your community’s characteristics and aspirations. Second, we work with you to deliver cost-effective solutions.
See Client Success StoriesStrategic Planning and Implementation:
From the Council chamber to the street, from high-level decision-making to “boots on the ground”, HF&H assists our clients with every aspect of strategic planning and implementation. We understand the big picture, but never lose sight of crucial details.
Contact HF&H if you have any of the following questions:
- How can we guarantee adequate recycling and organics processing capacity?
- How do I know if our publicly-owned facility is well-managed?
- Should we contract for operation of our publicly-owned facility?
- Do our customer rates incentivize behavior to help reach our goals?
- How will we fund the system changes we need?
Sustainable Funding Solutions:
Are you trapped in the disposal “death spiral”, with key program funding tied to a declining landfill stream? Are existing funding sources inadequate to meet program needs? Are your funding sources or mechanisms at risk of legal challenge?
HF&H assists clients with:
- Diagnosing the problem by modeling the result of “status quo” funding over time.
- Identifying and evaluating available options and the best solution to ensure sustained funding.
- Ensuring that policy, legal, program and ratepayer concerns are all addressed.
- Communicating complex options to elected officials and the public.
- Building consensus for the best long-term answer.
What are Your Community’s Diversion Goals?
- Prevent creation of discards?
- Maximize recovery and reuse?
- Reduce greenhouse gases?
- Comply with mandates?
- Generate green jobs?
- Diversify energy sources?
HF&H can help you meet any, or all of these goals. With clear assumptions and robust analysis, we’ll help you chart the most cost-effective way to meet your community’s goals.
Will Conducting a “Pilot” Help with Reaching Decisions?
Conducting a pilot can be an excellent way to tailor programs to community needs, obtain effective input from a wide spectrum of the community, develop buy-in, and provide decision-makers with the opportunity to support and endorse program decisions with enthusiasm. HF&H assists clients in designing, implementing and managing pilots, with coordination of fieldwork and outreach efforts. Our pilots provide clear goals, the data collection protocols necessary to support robust analysis, and the analytical capabilities to maximize the use of the collected data.
Does Every-Other-Week Garbage Collection Meet Your Community’s Needs?
Communities in the Pacific Northwest, Canada, and California are adopting every-other-week garbage collection programs. HF&H assists communities interested in exploring alternatives to traditional, weekly garbage service. We can help your community understand what has worked elsewhere, whether to conduct a pilot, what outreach is needed, and assist in negotiating program design and rates with your collection contractor.
Speak to an HF&H Associate for a Consultation