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CRRA 2018 42nd Annual Sea Change Conference, Oakland (July 26-29, 2018)
Presenter: Rob Hilton, President
SB 1383 was adopted in September 2016 and CalRecycle has stated that these requirements are as significant as AB 939 (or maybe more so). HF&H has been working with CalRecycle staff through the informal workshop and stakeholder process as well as through one-on-one meetings to understand and influence the requirements facing local government, facility operators, and haulers. In addition, we have been working with local agencies and their contractors throughout the state to develop contracts, programs, and compensation mechanisms that anticipate these requirements. From this work, we have a unique “crystal ball” view of what local agencies will need to consider, how they will need to arrange services, what it will take to fund the obligations, and how agencies of various sizes and staffing levels will perform the significant new requirements.
This presentation will:
- Educate the audience on the schedule, scope, and depth of the various programmatic, educational, reporting, and enforcement requirements of SB 1383. This portion of the presentation will include the most recent available information from CalRecycle’s rulemaking process.
- Describe how these requirements significantly exceed the current standard of AB 939 by expanding on the reporting, prescribing program solutions (rather than granting broad discretion to each agency), and extending down to the level of generator enforcement.
- Detail the various elements required for compliance by jurisdictions, haulers, processors, and generators.
- Illustrate several potential approaches to achieving and exceeding compliance, using case studies from California communities who have already established the programs, services, contractual provisions, and enforcement approaches to meet the goal.
- Discuss potential funding options and approaches being used by local agencies today that will be necessary to establish the necessary infrastructure for success.
- Highlight the most significant issues facing communities around the state and identify the critical path items that each agency should start working on today so that they can be prepared for 2022.