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Learn from the Mistakes (and Successes) of Our California Counterparts Recycle Florida Today Annual Conference and Exhibition, St. Augustine, FL Speaker: Lauren Barbieri, Project Manager
The passing of House Bill 7135 in Florida in 2008, establishing Florida’s 75% Recycling Goal, has left many wondering how we will get there (or if we will get there at all). Questions such as, “How to structure rates for high diversion?” “How to quantify what is recycled?” and, “How to maximize effectiveness of facility infrastructure?” are weighty and complex issues, but issues that have been considered before.
In 1989, the State of California established a 50% diversion mandate by 2000, and has since established a statewide goal of 75% diversion by 2020. Sound familiar? Take heart, Florida, you are not alone in your quest for 75%!
HF&H Consultants has been working with local agencies in California to achieve regulatory compliance and drive diversion since 1989. Multiple California communities have already achieved 75% diversion, some identifying “zero waste” as their next target. This presentation identifies successes, and more importantly, the mistakes and pitfalls that agencies in California have made and experienced over the past 25+ years in the pursuit of higher diversion.