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Events & Presentations
WasteExpo 2018, Las Vegas, NV (April 2018)
Presenter: Laith Ezzet, Sr. Vice President
The presentation will present examples of commercial organics programs implemented in California in response to the State’s mandatory commercial organics law which became effective in 2016, including collection methods, processing methods, rate structures, and participation levels.
Attendees will learn:
- Different types of commercial organics programs implemented, including collection and processing methods such as composting and anaerobic digestion
- Different types of rate structures used, such as stand-alone commercial organics rates that are much higher than trash rates, and reduced organics rates that are offset by higher trash rates
- Levels of customer participation achieved in cities with various rate structures, and the percentage of commercial waste being diverted by the commercial organics programs.
About the Speaker
Laith Ezzet has over 25 years of experience as a solid waste and recycling consultant. He has negotiated solid waste contracts with a combined value of over two billion dollars. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Southern California chapter of SWANA, and previously served on the Board for the California Resource Recovery Association. He has presented papers at 29 industry events such as SWANA symposiums and workshops, Waste Expo, CRRA, WASTECON, SCWMF, California League of Cities, and other industry organizations.