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Case Studies
Project Background
Pending SB 1383 regulations will require compliance with a broad range of organics management planning, monitoring, and compliance activities. While state enforcement of SB 1383 requirements does not commence until January 2022, many communities recognize the need to begin planning now to meet this challenge.
Project Results
Building on two regional SB 1383 educational workshops hosted by HF&H in June 2018 for local governments, HF&H is developing and refining tools to help our clients plan for compliance, identify program gaps, provide for food recovery, identify processing capacity, and negotiate contractor roles in implementation and compliance. HF&H has recently assisted:
- The City of Stockton in defining City and contractor roles for SB 1383 implementation and compliance in new sole source agreements the City and HF&H are negotiating with the City’s two collection contractors.
- The City of Sunnyvale in planning how to adapt the MSW processing line at the City-owned SMaRT Station to meet SB 1383 organics 50 and 75 percent recovery requirements.
- The City of Sunnyvale in conducting a performance review to determine, in part, if the City’s current contractor will bring a necessary level of innovation to SB 1383-related programs. With Council direction, the City and HF&H are negotiating a new sole source collection agreement.
- The City of San José in monitoring how SB 1383 regulatory development may affect its single-family residential Recycle-Plus program.
- The City of San Ramon in negotiating what is likely the first “SB 1383-compliant” collection and processing agreement in the state. The new agreement also includes a 90% minimum diversion requirement.
- The Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (five municipalities and the County) with a cost-benefit analysis of organics program options, research on food recovery program options, and development of action plans to guide implementation of seven SB 1383-related programs.
- The City of Elk Grove in developing a long-range strategic plan that includes a robust diversion analysis for recommended SB 1383 organics programs along with preparation of planning-level estimates for City implementation costs, on-going City annual costs, annual hauler costs, potential cost impacts on customers, and estimated City staffing needs.
- The County of San Diego in redesigning its non-exclusive franchise collection system for residential and commercial customers that includes integration of expanded organics programs and performance standards to align with SB 1383 regulations.
- The City of Manhattan Beach in conducting a request for proposals for “SB 1383-compliant” solid waste, recycling, and organics collection services.
- The City of Beverly Hills in conducting sole source negotiations to amend their franchise agreement to comply with SB 1383.