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Case Studies
Project Background
HF&H assisted the City in competitively procuring its exclusive solid waste agreement in 2002 and 2011. This agreement was expiring and the City has once again retained HF&H in 2018 to obtain a new collection agreement.
The City established an Environmental Task Force to assist in designing an environmentally sustainable solid waste collection agreement.
While SB 1383 is still in draft form, HF&H recognized the importance of implementing programs to comply with this landmark legislation as the new agreement would be effective past the required SB 1383 implementation date of January 1, 2022.
Project Results
HF&H secured an agreement increasing hauler diversion from the existing 38% to 62% of the tons collected, to be phased in over the agreement term. Disposal cost increases are capped at the change in CPI or 5% per year, whichever is lower, with guaranteed disposal and processing capacity for the agreement term. Bin refuse is required to be processed to recover a minimum, guaranteed quantity of recyclables prior to disposal. All residential cart customers will receive on-call, door-to-door HHW collection.
Additionally, significant improvements to public education and outreach to multi-family and commercial customers (and to the school district) are included.