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Case Studies
Project Background
The City of El Monte is located 12 miles east of downtown Los Angeles with a population of approximately 120,000, and is the ninth largest city in Los Angeles County. In 2015 the City retained HF&H Consultants to manage their solid waste programs including the Oil Payment Program and City/County Beverage Container Payment Program grants.
Grant Administration
HF&H assists the City with the administration of their used oil and beverage grants by preparing the applications and annual reports; submitting annual grant budgets; preparation of resolutions and staff reports; gathering statistical data; developing public education and outreach; and, conducting certified center site inspections.
Oil Payment Program Highlights
Beginning fiscal year 2015/16, and currently ongoing HF&H plans and hosts the city’s used oil filter exchange events. We advertised the events through the use of street banners, utility bill inserts, in-store flyers, the city’s website, newpapers advertisements, and various forms of social media including facebook. HF&H hosted three used oil filter exchange events in the City in fiscal year 2017/18 with a 100% increase in event participants from prior years. HF&H also developed newspaper articles describing proper recycling techniques for used oil and used oil filters including locations of certified collection centers.
City/County Beverage Container Payment Program
HF&H hosts a booth at community events throughout the year to provide information on the City's CRV redemption centers as well as information on the City's residential curbside recycling program. In fiscal year 2016/17, HF&H assisted the City in purchasing eight beverage recycling containers for placement at the city hall campus. HF&H annually facilitates the annual elementary school CRV contest where the top three winning schools are recognized at a city council meeting.