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Case Studies
Project Background
The Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority’s (RecycleSmart aka CCCSWA) is a joint powers authority consisting of six member agencies: Orinda, Moraga, Lafayette, Danville, Walnut Creek, and Contra Costa County (Agencies). CCCSWA’s hauler is Republic Services (Republic). The CCCSWA requested verification that Republic’s required monthly reporting to the CCCSWA was accurate and in compliance with requirements of the franchise agreement with the hauler.
Project Results
- Documented all errors and omissions as noted in the review and met jointly with the CCCSWA staff and Republic to facilitate a plan for corrections to the reporting period reviewed.
- Created a listing of recommended improvements to the reporting format and process going forward.
- Followed up with planning sessions, including CCCSWA staff and representatives from Republic, to coordinate incorporation of recommended and agreed upon changes into the monthly reporting.