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This SB 1383 Jurisdictional Checklist was prepared by HF&H Consultants, LLC based on CalRecycle’s SB 1383 Short‐Lived Climate Pollutant regulations (“SB 1383”) approved on November 3, 2020. HF&H provides this as a guidance document to highlight key requirements for jurisdiction compliance; however, it does not reflect all requirements. In this checklist, “jurisdiction” means city or county. Requirements that pertain only to counties are labeled accordingly. Several items in the checklist may be assigned to a jurisdiction’s designee, but it is ultimately the responsibility of a jurisdiction to comply with SB 1383 pursuant to 14 CCR Section 18981.2.c. Unless otherwise stated, jurisdiction compliance with SB 1383 shall occur by January 1, 2022. SB 1383 also includes requirements for generators, haulers, food recovery services, food recovery organizations, and facility operators; however, these are not summarized in this checklist.