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Local government agencies will be getting a surge of assistance in implementing key components of SB 1383 in early 2020!
CalRecycle recently selected HF&H Consultants to develop SB 1383 Implementation Tools that jurisdictions and other entities can use to accelerate their adoption of SB 1383-mandated ordinances, programs, and policies. The primary tools include the following:
- Model franchise agreement;
- Model enforcement ordinance;
- Model procurement policy for compost, renewable gas, and paper; and,
- Model edible food recovery agreement.
HF&H will be preparing these SB 1383 Implementation Tools in such a way that guidance will be included on how jurisdictions can use and customize the models for their unique conditions. To further guide jurisdictions on use of the Model Tools, HF&H, in association with CalRecycle, will host a series of webinars and public workshops across the state.
HF&H is excited to have started work on this project! We have assembled a strong team that includes highly-experienced HF&H professionals and subconsultants, Diversion Strategies and Debra Kaufman Consulting.
HF&H has already negotiated several franchise agreements that include SB 1383-compliant requirements, and we are in the process of negotiating several more. This gives us the experience needed to draft the model agreements and ordinances that will help numerous jurisdictions take on what is considered to be the most impactful recycling regulation to hit the state in decades.
When will we get started? Here’s our preliminary timeline:
Other News
Apart from our CalRecycle work, HF&H is planning its second SB 1383 Local Government Summit to take place in Northern California and Southern California in August and September. Spaces are filling up fast. For more information and to register click here.
CalRecycle’s SB 1383 rulemaking is moving along. For the latest on SB 1383, visit CalRecycle’s SB 1383 Rulemaking website.
Meanwhile, HF&H is celebrating its 30th anniversary! Thank you to all that have been part of our history. We look forward to many more years of service ahead.